Required fields#

Names of input root files#

One file per line, without tailing characters, such as comma, semicolon and period. Just like in the TChain::Add method, absolute, relative paths, and wildcards ([]?*) are supported.

Tree name#

Name of the TTree that contains the MC truth data. Usually, this tree has been written by the MctruthForTopo algorithm and is called "MctruthForTopoAna".

Branch name of the number of particles#

This branch is required for reading the two arrays specified below. In the MctruthForTopo package, it is called "Nmcps".

Branch name of the array of particle identifications#

Usually called "Pid" in the MctruthForTopo package.

Branch name of the array of the mother indices of particles#

Usually called "Midx" in the MctruthForTopo package.

Main name of output files#

When you run topoana.exe, four files with the same name but in different formats (root/txt/tex/pdf) will be written as output. The filename extensions are appended automatically, so it is not necessary to add these extensions to this field.