Tips & Tricks#

Key generation for SSH#

If you do not like to keep having to enter your password, have a look at generating an ssh key here and here.

  1. Generate a key with the command ssh-keygen. You can choose to leave the password empty.

  2. Add the SSH key to the ssh-agent and create a corresponding public key with the commands:
    eval $(ssh-agent -s); ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

  3. Copy the public key to the server using:
    ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa <your user name> You will be asked for your IHEP account password.

  4. Try to log in to the server with: ssh -Y <your user name> If all went correctly, you don’t have to enter your password anymore.

Installing ROOT#

The BOSS Starter Kit comes with a handy bash script to download and install CERN ROOT6 on a Ubuntu platform. It requires you to have sudo (admin) rights. The script can be run in one go using:

sudo bash

For more information, see the official pages:


You will download around 1 GB of source code.

Visual Studio Code#

Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is a popular IDE that is regularly updated, is configurable with easy-to-access json files, and offers a growing number of user-developed extensions. In recent years, it is has become the most widely used editor on the market.

Remote SSH#

For working with VSCode on lxslc, you can use the Remote - SSH extension. This lets you with VSCode work on the server with full functionality, such as using the Source Control Manager and language navigation from any other VSCode extensions you installed. See here for a tutorial on how to connect to a remote SSH server.

There is one thing you need to change in your VSCode settings. Following these instructions, set the following option:

  "remote.SSH.useLocalServer": false,

In addition, you may need to set the remote platform to "linux":

  "remote.SSH.remotePlatform": {
    "": "linux"

where "" is the name of the host in your SSH Config file.


VSCode Remote SSH installs some files into your home directory on the server, in a folder called .vscode-server. This will not work if you experience this (rather common) problem: I lost read-write access in my afs home folder. It is therefore recommended that you move the .vscode-server folder to a directory where you always have read-write access and then create a symbolic link to that folder in your actual home folder. Do this as follows:

cd ~
mkdir /besfs5/users/$USER/.vscode-server
ln -s /besfs5/users/$USER/.vscode-server
cd ~
mv -f .vscode-server /besfs5/users/$USER/
ln -s /besfs5/users/$USER/.vscode-server

Another major advantage of this set-up is that you won’t have problems with data quota when the .vscode-server grows over time.

Language navigation for BOSS#

It is highly recommended to install the VS Code C++ extension when you are developing BOSS packages. One of its killer features is intellisense, which gives language navigation on C++ libraries. To get full language navigation for BOSS, create a c_cpp_properties.json file under the .vscode folder in your workspace with the following content:


Please comment here if you still see squiggle lines under #include statements in your source code. It could be that the list of include paths has to be updated.

  "configurations": [
      "cStandard": "c99",
      "cppStandard": "c++03",
      "includePath": [
      "name": "Linux"
  "version": 4

This file can be downloaded here. On the server, you can quickly do this by navigating to your .vscode folder and running:



For BOSS language navigation locally, have a look at BOSS_ExternalLibs.


The lxslc server has a very outdated version of Python. If you do want to use Python 3, you can work with Conda, which is available on the server. Just add the following script:

  '/cvmfs/' 'shell.bash' 'hook' 2> /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
  eval "$__conda_setup"
  if [ -f "/cvmfs/" ]; then
    . "/cvmfs/"
    export PATH="/cvmfs/$PATH"
unset __conda_setup

You can then source it through whatever means you prefer, like creating an alias alias condaenv="source <path_to_script>/" in your .bashrc.

Next, just run conda activate tensorflow-gpu and you have python3, ipython and even import tensorflow available! (At the time of writing, TensorFlow is version 1.13.1 though.)

Unfortunately, you don’t have the rights to conda create new environments. To see which other environments are available, use conda info --envs.


If you don’t want to go through this whole hassle (it’s quite slow indeed), and just want to use python3, you could also just add /cvmfs/ to your PATH. But keep in mind that you may run into trouble with certain Python libraries!


For compiling outside ROOT (that is, not using the ROOT interpreter), you will need to use a compiler like g++. The compiler needs to be told where the libraries for included ROOT header files are located. You can do this using flags that ROOT set during its installation. In case of g++, use:

g++ YourCode.C -I$(root-config --incdir) $(root-config --libs --evelibs
--glibs) -o YourBinaryOutput.o

Pro bash tip: You might like to create an easy command for this. You can do this by adding the following lines to your ~/.bashrc.

function rtcompile () {
  g++ "$1"
    -I$(root-config --incdir) \
    $(root-config --libs --evelibs --glibs) \
    -lRooFit -lRooFitCore -lRooStats -lMinuit -o "${1/._/.o}"
function rtcompilerun () {
  rtcompile "$1"
  if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
function rtdebugcompile () {
  g++ "$1"
    -I$(root-config --incdir) \
    $(root-config --libs --evelibs --glibs) \
    -lRooFit -lRooFitCore -lRooStats -lMinuit -fsanitize=address -g -o "${1/.\*/}"
export -f rtcompile
export -f rtcompilerun
export -f rtdebugcompile

Note the flags added through root-config: there are includes (preceded by option -I) and linked libraries (following that option, and preceding output option -o). Note also that flags have been added for RooFit. For more information about ROOT flags, see this page.

Here, we give three examples of commands, one for compiling only (rtcompile), one for compiling and executing if successful (rtcompilerun), and one for compiling with fsanitize activated (rtdebugcompile). The latter is useful if you want to look for memory leaks etc — only use if you are interested in this, because it will decrease run-time. In addition, there are many issues in root (like TString) that are identified by fsanitize.

Compiling on Windows 10#

Although it is highly recommended to on a Linux OS such as Ubuntu or CentOS, there are still -certain advantages of working on Windows. As a developer, that brings problems, however, if you want to start compiling your code.

Since Windows 10, there exists an easy solution: Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). In the newest versions can be easily installed from the Windows Store (search for “Ubuntu”). After installing, search for “Ubuntu” in the start menu. This is a bash terminal that has full access to your windows system, but entirely through bash commands.

As such, you have access to convenient commands like apt install, vi, and g++. Best of all is that you can use this to install ROOT. If you are having trouble installing ROOT through bash, have a look at this script (ROOT6).