
See full Doxygen documentation for the PipiJpsiAlg on GitPages.

What does this example package teach?#

This example package analyzes \(\psi' \rightarrow \pi\pi J/\psi \rightarrow \pi\pi l l\) (di-lepton) events. In particular, it will teach you:

  • How to access Monte Carlo truth from a DST file using Event::McParticle.

  • How to store arrays to a TTree using NTuple::Array and NTuple::addIndexedItem. This is useful for storing e.g. an \(n\)-array of information for \(n\) tracks in an event. Here, the array is used to store Monte Carlo truth.

  • Identifying muons versus electrons using energy of the EMC shower: electrons deposit more energy in the EMC.


Still has to be written.

This package introduces several concepts additional to RhopiAlg.