
I lost read-write access in my afs home folder#

Formerly, this problem could be solved using the klog command. Since August 2019, this command has become:

kinit $USER
aklog -d

You should now be able to read-write in all your sessions.

I’m sure my job is set up correctly, but it keeps resulting this error#

JobOptionsSvc       ERROR # =======> <package>/share/jobOptions_<package>.txt
JobOptionsSvc       ERROR # (22,1): parse error
JobOptionsSvc       FATAL Job options errors.
ApplicationMgr      FATAL Error initializing JobOptionsSvc

Yep, this is a weird one… So far, the cause was usually that the jobOptions_*.txt ends in a comment. You can solve it by adding a new line to the file.

I cannot run a bash script, but I’m sure it should work#

It could be that you wrote the .sh script on Windows and the file wasn’t stored with Linux line endings. You can change these line endings back to Linux using:

sed -i 's/\r$//' $fileName

Some header files are not found when compiling my package#

Check your requirements file. Packages that you need should be declared here as well. For instance, if you want to use McTruth packages such as McParticle.h, you should add the line:

use McTruth     McTruth-*     Event

I am not the right group for submitting jobs#

If you receive the error message

hep_sub: error: argument -g/--group: invalid choice: 'physics'
(choose from 'gpupwa', 'mlgpu')

or something with different group names, it means you are in the wrong job submit group. Write an email to Ms. Wen Shuoping to ask to be put in the group physics (or whatever group you need).

No resources in job submit group#

If you receive the error message

No resources in your group(s). So the job can not be submitted.

you should ask to be put in a different group (probably physics). Write an email to Ms. Wen Shuoping.

ERROR: Failed to create new proc id instead#

Two known causes:

  1. In the case of hep_sub, you should submit an executable bash script. Make the sh script executable using chmod +x. Use boss.condor in exactly the same way as boss.exe, that is, feed it a job options file (txt), not a bash script.

  2. You sourced a bash script that contained an export -f statement (exporting a bash function). While this is correct way of exporting a function, it somehow affects BOSS. Change this statement into export (omit the f option) and the issue is fixed.

I cannot try out boss.exe without jobs#

It should be possible to run boss.exe without jobs (see here). Does it result in the following error message?

boss.exe: error while loading shared libraries:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

If so, you probably forgot to source TestRelease.

I get a message about sysInitialize() when running a job#

If you receive the following error message:

              BOSS version: 7.0.4
************** BESIII Collaboration **************

the jobOptions file is: jobOptions_sim.txt
JobOptionsSvc       FATAL in sysInitialize(): standard std::exception is caught
JobOptionsSvc       ERROR locale::facet::_S_create_c_locale name not valid
ApplicationMgr      FATAL Error initializing JobOptionsS

it means the LANG environment variable has been set to a value that BOSS cannot handle. Set it to C instead by running:

export LANG=C

I cannot use a graphical interface from lxslc#

If, for instance, you cannot view a TBrowser or cannot open the event display besvis.exe, but instead see

In case you run from a remote ssh session, reconnect with ssh -Y

you probably logged in with an SSH key and even using ssh -Y won’t help. If you really need the graphical interfaces from lxslc, you will need to remove your public key from the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file (just open and edit, it’s just a text file) and log in again.

My analysis BOSS packages end in a segmentation fault#

A common error is that you didn’t book the NTuple or add the NTuple::Items with NTuple::Tuple::addItem. This usually results in the following error.

DatabaseSvc: Connected to MySQL database
mccor = 0

 *** Break *** segmentation violation
    import sys, imp, os, os.path